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RPG Bookclub

Welcome to the RPG Bookclub, a podcast where we play a little bit of a videogame, and talk about how it makes us feel.

RPG Bookclub is Sam, Bernard, and Trish! Join us each week as we discuss a videogame, one bite at a time!

Please come join the conversation on our Discord!

Mar 24, 2019

This week! We ride an elephant, meet an old friend, talk about feelings a lot, and then get struck by a whole lotta lightning.

We're back in PS4 happy land, so Sailor Eli has been Let's Playing the game, and you can watch him from here!

FFX is way more popular a game than we typically play, and we're selling out so...

Mar 15, 2019

This week! We walk down a single road, for about 4 hours, and meet a lot of recurring characters. Then everyone we love dies!

We're back in PS4 happy land, so Sailor Eli has been Let's Playing the game, and you can watch him from here!

FFX is way more popular a game than we typically play, and we're selling out so that...

Mar 9, 2019

Your name is DEAR LISTENER. You listen to a variety of PODCASTS. In particular you listen to THIS podcast, and that's most important. This podcast is about the HOMESTUCK ADVENTURE GAME called HIVESWAP, of which we only play the FIRST CHAPTER. Because that's all that exists yet.

Let me tell you about Homestuck.


Mar 3, 2019

This week! We try for the 3rd time to start this game, and finally do it right! We start FFX and play through two episodes worth of plot to get all the way to the most infamous scene in the game!

We're back in PS4 happy land, so Sailor Eli has been Let's Playing the game, and you can watch him from here!

FFX is way...