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RPG Bookclub

Welcome to the RPG Bookclub, a podcast where we play a little bit of a videogame, and talk about how it makes us feel.

RPG Bookclub is Sam, Bernard, and Trish! Join us each week as we discuss a videogame, one bite at a time!

Please come join the conversation on our Discord!

Apr 24, 2020

This week! We're back, to the future! We play through the 2300AD section of Chrono Trigger!

Next Week: We play all the way until we complete the first 65 million BC segment.

If you'd like to play through Chrono Trigger with us, it's available on SNES, PSX, PS3, DS, Mobile, Steam, and probably a few others. We'll be...

Apr 17, 2020

This week! Sam's Back! And we Sell out hardcore and play one of the most influential JRPGs in history, and save when we wind up in prison!

Next Week: We make our way through the future, and save in the End of Time.

If you'd like to play through Chrono Trigger with us, it's available on SNES, PSX, PS3, DS, Mobile, Steam,...

Apr 13, 2020

This time: We discuss the Ys Anime!

Next time: We sell out and talk about Chrono Trigger!







Sailor Eli on...

Apr 6, 2020

This week! We beat the game!

Next Week: We save in Prison in Chrono Trigger!

If you'd like to play through Chrono Trigger with us, it's available on SNES, PSX, PS3, DS, Mobile, Steam, and probably a few others. We'll be covering both translations, so whichever you pick will be...

Apr 6, 2020

This week! We stop after getting the Silver Pendant

Next Week: We beat the Dang Ol Game!

If you'd like to play through Chrono Trigger with us, it's available on SNES, PSX, PS3, DS, Mobile, Steam, and probably a few others. We'll be covering both translations, so whichever you pick will be...