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RPG Bookclub

Welcome to the RPG Bookclub, a podcast where we play a little bit of a videogame, and talk about how it makes us feel.

RPG Bookclub is Sam, Bernard, and Trish! Join us each week as we discuss a videogame, one bite at a time!

Please come join the conversation on our Discord!

Sep 24, 2020

In our Third episode of .long//CAST part 2, we discuss everything up until the dramatic developments at Coitus Boner Battlefield!

Next Episode, we will actually play until we complete the arena finals!

If you'd like to play along with us, .hack//G.U. is available on the PS2, or in a collection on PS4 and PC, which...

Sep 17, 2020

This week: We kill ourselves! And then go to disc 2!

Next Week: We save before the boss of Terra Tower.

If you'd like to play along, Chrono Cross is available on PSN for Vita, PSP, and PS3, for 9.99, and available on disc from Square Enix themselves for about 8-15 dollars, depending on if they're in stock. This game is...

Sep 10, 2020

This week: We witness the greatest Rock Opera to harness the power of the Playstation Video Game Console.

Next Week: We make it to disc 2!

If you'd like to play along, Chrono Cross is available on PSN for Vita, PSP, and PS3, for 9.99, and available on disc from Square Enix themselves for about 8-15 dollars, depending on...

Sep 5, 2020

This week: We play until we reach the Pearly Gates with Harle

Next Week: We do the Earth, Water, and Fire Dragons, as well as the Marbule Side Quest!

If you'd like to play along, Chrono Cross is available on PSN for Vita, PSP, and PS3, for 9.99, and available on disc from Square Enix themselves for about 8-15 dollars,...

Sep 3, 2020

In our Second episode of .long//CAST part 2, we discuss everything up until we complete round 1 of  the arena!

Next Episode, we will play until we complete the arena finals!

If you'd like to play along with us, .hack//G.U. is available on the PS2, or in a collection on PS4 and PC, which frequently goes on sale for...