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RPG Bookclub

Welcome to the RPG Bookclub, a podcast where we play a little bit of a videogame, and talk about how it makes us feel.

RPG Bookclub is Sam, Bernard, and Trish! Join us each week as we discuss a videogame, one bite at a time!

Please come join the conversation on our Discord!

Jan 26, 2021

This week: The game proved it had good dungeons in its repertoire 

Next Week: We stop after completing Marduk's Temple.

If you'd like to play along, Septerra Core is available on Steam and GOG!

We also announce our next games this week! Listen and find out or check it out...

Jan 23, 2021

In our second episode of .long//CAST part 3, we make our way through some rote tournament fights, and some boring side quests, and hang with our friends and it's AWESOME??

Next time, we will make our way until we get to our new Town, Netslum Tartarga.

If you'd like to play along with us, .hack//G.U. is available on the...

Jan 20, 2021

This week: For the first time ever, all three of us did not like the game.

Next Week: We stop after completing the quest to retrieve the Ancient Chosen Talisman, give or take. 

If you'd like to play along, Septerra Core is available on Steam and GOG!




Jan 18, 2021

In our first episode of .long//CAST part 3, we, as is tradition, play until we register for the Sage Palace Tournament.

Next time, we will complete the Sage Palace Tournament, and view the scenes that follow.

If you'd like to play along with us, .hack//G.U. is available on the PS2, or in a collection on PS4 and PC,...

Jan 14, 2021

This week: We do a real darn big, way too big, shouldn't be this big, why this big who knows why this  big, dungeon, and then complete our goal??

Next Week: We stop after splitting the party to stop the Doomsday Device!

If you'd like to play along, Septerra Core is available on Steam and...