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RPG Bookclub

Welcome to the RPG Bookclub, a podcast where we play a little bit of a videogame, and talk about how it makes us feel.

RPG Bookclub is Sam, Bernard, and Trish! Join us each week as we discuss a videogame, one bite at a time!

Please come join the conversation on our Discord!

Jul 24, 2021

This week: We do a few dungeons, and finally leave Anachronox!

Next Week: Deja Vu! We stop after the dramatic events at the council Chamber, before going to the Hive.

Anachronox is really good! You should play it! It's 5 dollars on Steam and GoG, and goes on sale ALL the time for less than a buck.







Sailor Eli on YouTube

Maddy Grace on Twitch!


Year 3's Intro/Outro Music is "Town" from Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes, by Falcom jdk. Copyright © Nihon Falcom Corporation