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RPG Bookclub

Welcome to the RPG Bookclub, a podcast where we play a little bit of a videogame, and talk about how it makes us feel.

RPG Bookclub is Sam, Bernard, and Trish! Join us each week as we discuss a videogame, one bite at a time!

Please come join the conversation on our Discord!

Jan 27, 2020

This week! We begin Case 5: Rise From The Ashes, and play to the end of Trial Day 1.

Next Week: We play until right before the Final Trial!

If you'd like to play along with Phoenix Wright, you can find it for the DS, the 3DS, the Switch, PS4, PC, iOS, and probably a few other places I've forgotten...

Jan 21, 2020

This week! We finish Case 4: Turnabout Goodbyes!

Next Week: We play to the end of Trial Day 1 in Case 5: Rise from the Ashes

If you'd like to play along with Phoenix Wright, you can find it for the DS, the 3DS, the Switch, PS4, PC, iOS, and probably a few other places I've forgotten...

Jan 14, 2020

This week! We play Case 4: Turnabout Goodbyes through the end of the second Trial!

Next Week: We finish Case 4: Turnabout Goodbyes!

If you'd like to play along with Phoenix Wright, you can find it for the DS, the 3DS, the Switch, PS4, PC, iOS, and probably a few other places I've forgotten...

Jan 7, 2020

This week! We play Case 3: Turnabout Samurai!

Next Week: We begin Case 4: Turnabout Goodbyes!

If you'd like to play along with Phoenix Wright, you can find it for the DS, the 3DS, the Switch, PS4, PC, iOS, and probably a few other places I've forgotten about!

