Dec 22, 2021
This episode was sponsored by CerebralWind, and Omega of CerebralWind joined us to talk about this decidedly NOT RPG.
You can find them on twitch at
BFBB Rehydrated is available on PS4, Switch, and PC.
Jul 12, 2021
This episode was sponsored by David Bernard Houck, creator of How am I Supposed to Fit in at College When There Aren't Any Other Animal People but I'm a POSSUM BOY! The Ballad of Joey Virginia.
For more information on Possum Boy! check Bernard and Big Knife
Studio out on twitter:
Oct 30, 2019
Recently we opened up Commissions on our Ko-fi for people to get episodes covered for their favorite (or own!) game, and the first bite at the apple was by friend of the podcast, Francesco (The same one that came from New York to see us at Classic Game Fest!)
So for this Episode, we played the Second half of Episode 1...
Oct 8, 2019
Recently we opened up Commissions on our Ko-fi for people to get episodes covered for their favorite (or own!) game, and the first bite at the apple was by friend of the podcast, Francesco (The same one that came from New York to see us at Classic Game Fest!)
So for this Episode, we played the first half of Episode 1...