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RPG Bookclub

Welcome to the RPG Bookclub, a podcast where we play a little bit of a videogame, and talk about how it makes us feel.

RPG Bookclub is Sam, Bernard, and Trish! Join us each week as we discuss a videogame, one bite at a time!

Please come join the conversation on our Discord!

Jan 23, 2021

In our second episode of .long//CAST part 3, we make our way through some rote tournament fights, and some boring side quests, and hang with our friends and it's AWESOME??

Next time, we will make our way until we get to our new Town, Netslum Tartarga.

If you'd like to play along with us, .hack//G.U. is available on the PS2, or in a collection on PS4 and PC, which frequently goes on sale for around 12 bucks.


The LongCast intro/outro music is "Opening" from Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes, by Falcom jdk.








Sailor Eli on YouTube