Nov 12, 2018
This week: The game takes a crazy turn, and becomes an avant garde black box theatre production of a visual novel. We focus on Elly and Fei's relationship, and wrap up a lot of dangling plot threads, getting ready for the big reveal of the ending.
Currently, Sailor Eli has some technical issues keeping him from recording, but our friends on twitter, RPGSite have been playing through Xenogears (with different stopping points than us) on their youtube, and the playlist is here.
Next week, we beat the whole dang game.
If you'd like to play along, Xenogears is available on the Playstation Network for 10 dollars. This is playable on the PSP, PSVita, and PS3. If you have the orignal disc and a gameshark, I recommend using FFMaster's Gameshark codes to help speed up the text.
Our Discord (Please come hang out, we're really active)
Our intro and outro music this week is "Flight" from the Xenogears soundtrack.