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RPG Bookclub

Welcome to the RPG Bookclub, a podcast where we play a little bit of a videogame, and talk about how it makes us feel.

RPG Bookclub is Sam, Bernard, and Trish! Join us each week as we discuss a videogame, one bite at a time!

Please come join the conversation on our Discord!

Sep 30, 2018

This week: We go to church, which probably worships us and our space girlfriend, and find out that our friends are aliens, and then we try and win our country back.

Currently, Sailor Eli has some technical issues keeping him from recording, but our friends on twitter, RPGSite have been playing through Xenogears (with different stopping points than us) on their youtube, and the playlist is here.

Next week, we play through a big Arc, that starts with the Kislev Capital, and goes through the big plot event that happens at night, in the chapter Night Purge. 

If you'd like to play along, Xenogears is available on the Playstation Network for 10 dollars. This is playable on the PSP, PSVita, and PS3. If you have the orignal disc and a gameshark, I recommend using FFMaster's Gameshark codes to help speed up the text.


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Sailor Eli's Youtube

Our outro music is made by Puppy Latte, who just released a new single, which you should check out here.