Nov 18, 2018
This week: We beat the whole game! We figure out what Elly's Deal is. Then we figure out what Fei's Deal is! Then we figure out what Krelian's Deal is! Then we listen to Bart's voice.
Currently, Sailor Eli has some technical issues keeping him from recording, but our friends on twitter, RPGSite have been playing through Xenogears (with different stopping points than us) on their youtube, and the playlist is here.
Next week, we play Legend of Dragoon, up until the world map after the Battle of Hoax.
If you'd like to play along, Legend of Dragoon is available on the Playstation Network for 6 dollars. This is playable on the PSP, PSVita, and PS3. This game also got a greatest hits release, so is pretty cheap to track down a copy of.
Our Discord (Please come hang out, we're really active)
Our intro and outro music this week is "Flight" from the Xenogears soundtrack.